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1. Application – 3 months

Stonebridge House only accepts applicants who are currently incarcerated and whose release date aligns with Stonebridge House’ capacity and calendar. Applicants collaborate with their Home Plan Coordinator and IPO to make Stonebridge House part of their home plan. The application process requires applicants to complete a detailed written application including 2 references. Once the application is received, Stonebridge House will complete interviews with your references, interviews with your IPO and home plan coordinator. Finally, we will coordinate with your Home Plan Coordinator to schedule a phone interview and a face-to-face interview.

Please keep in mind that Stonebridge House has a total capacity of 2 residents.

2. Orientation – 6 weeks

Once accepted, the resident signs a 12-month agreement and release of legal and medical information. She will obtain a medical and mental assessment and care as needed. She will set goals and receive training. She will work with Rebekah to create a daily calendar of tasks and appointments to set and attend. She will complete each task, attend each appointment on time, and discuss the outcome with Rebekah daily.

The resident will begin building her support team, people and organizations that will partner with her to ensure a successful transition.

The resident may not to have time to work and is not required to work during orientation. She will develop her job and interview skills, look for work, and consider opportunities so that she can be gainfully employed by the end of her Orientation period.

3. Transition – 18 weeks

Once the resident has completed orientation, she will continue meeting with Rebekah daily. They will review together the upcoming week’s tasks and appointments and progress toward goals. They will meet monthly with the resident’s support team. The support team may include, for example, the resident’s coach from Love Columbia, NA or AA sponsor, job skills coach from ROC, mentor from church, probation and parole officer and Rebekah.

The resident will get and keep a job during transition, working at least 25 hours per week, and complete Extra Mile Financial coaching.

4. Independence – 24 weeks

Once the resident has completed Extra Mile Coaching, she will continue meeting with Rebekah weekly to review the calendar and progress toward existing goals and to set new goals. During this time, the resident will begin looking for permanent housing. She will provide at least 30 days’ notice when she is ready to move out of Stonebridge House.